Scientific Advisory Board

Dr. Vincent Shankey

Dr. Vincent Shankey

Cellular Biology

Dr. Vincent ShankeyDr. Jim Karkanias

Dr. Vincent Shankey received his Ph.D. degree in immunology and medical microbiology from the University of Florida School of Medicine (1977), followed by a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Pathology at the University of Pennsylvania from 1977 to 1981. Dr. Shankey has used flow and image cytometry in his research for over thirty years, working in clinical flow cytometry for much of that time. From 1987 through 2001, Shankey was director of research for the Urology Department and scientific director of the Clinical Flow Cytometry laboratory at Loyola University Medical Center, Chicago. In 2001, Dr. Shankey was recruited to join the Advanced Technology Center/Systems Research Group at Beckman Coulter. During this period, the focus of his research was the development of novel approaches to measuring signal transduction pathways and their alterations in human disease. Dr. Shankey has over 60 publications focusing on different aspects of cancer cell biology and immunology.